In this practical and refreshingly inspirational book, Clyde S. Sharady provides
twelve key tenets of Destiny Living. He uses familiar concepts to connect
the essence of the Gospel with modern day vocabulary and motivational
technologies used for the pursuit of excellence. Each keyword highlighted in
the book encapsulates deep spiritual truths, it engages both your spirit and your
mind and calls you for action in the name of your faith, your vision and your
chief purpose in life. When put together, the 12 chapters outlined herein offer a
valuable toolkit for every true Christian who is driven by the desire to leave a
respected Christ-focus legacy on earth, before returning to eternity.
As you read the book you will learn to…
• Discover the supernatural plans that God has for you
• Design and build your earthly destiny using the heavenly blue-print available
in your heart
• Develop the divine gifts you were entrusted with for your destiny mission on
• Deploy all the resources God has given you to discharge your PHD
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