What Deng Bul is prepared to do for his fellow men is something that few of us would contemplate let alone aspire to. Arriving from South Sudan and settling in Australia, Deng was not one to simply thank God for his blessings and begin an easy life here. Almost immediately he began thinking of ways to help the poor, disabled and disadvantaged still trapped in a vicious cycle of neglect and poverty in his home country. He founded a charity, iHOPE, and began fundraising and encouraging others to help him in his endeavour. Yet, not satisfi ed with the rate of progress, last year Deng decided to undertake a walk from Darwin to Alice Springs to raise both awareness and further capital for his charity. Having completed it, he has now put together a booklet on his experiences, hoping it will promote iHOPE even more. I wish Deng every success with this project.” Dr. Dell Brand
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