The Forgotten Youth OF A NATION BY John Youhanes Magok

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THE FORGOTTEN YOUTH OF A NATION John Youhanes Magok Imagine the sound of screams, violence, and gunshot waking you up in the middle of the night, there is no time to waste, you have to run from chaos faster than the rocket. This is the reality for many displaced youths in South Sudan confronting the prevalence of conflicts, lack of opportunities, countless dependencies, and every day life’s hustle and bustle is a battle to survive. Yet, this book provides a glimpse of hope for brighter dreams that light-up the tunnels of hostilities to a bright future in achieving the dream for the “Land of Great Abundance and Eden of Diversity”.John Youhanes Magok – is the Founder and Executive Director of the Nile Youth Development Actions (NYDA) and Mining Policy Officer at the African Union as part of AU Youth Volunteer Corps (AUYVC) Programme. He is an awardee of H.E. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt and Chairperson of the African Union for 2019, as “African Young Promising Leader”, within the framework of the African Presidential Leadership Program (APLP). Youhanes is a YALI RLC East Africa alumni of Business and Entrepreneurship, youth advocate, and speaker at the World Youth Forum 2019 on African youth employability and the role of civil societies in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) in Africa. He is a holder of Masters in Environment and Climate Change Management and Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering -fluent in English, Arabic, Amharic and French language.