The riddles and proverbs are very popular in Dinka. This book, “Meek ku kɛ̈ŋ ke Jiëëŋ” is the compilation of various riddles and proverbs in Dinka. The riddles and proverbs promote meaningful learning of the Dinka language. This book is another vital learning material at your disposal for you to learn or teach the Dinka language. This book was put together for you to have something handy to refer to. The Dinka’s riddles and proverbs are full of wisdom and knowledge. The following are few examples:
Kɛ̈ŋ ke Jiëëŋ
Acol köök juur.
Ajany cuɛt të yal thok.
Akuur mac luaŋ cïn thok.
Atën de mëën thäär.
Din ce dhiëth në toŋ.
Dom tem ku cï cam.
Ɣön kääc në mën tök.
Mabiöör wɛɛr acië nuei.
Mony keny wutic në dïïr tök.
Tul lɔ panom.
Weŋ yaŋ alɔ kɔl athuɔɔr.
Wɛ̈t yuith keke thou.
Wun cië kal në rit.
Yälyäl dhuŋ wut.
Monydïït lɔ wut ke teer.
Malual yup daiyic.
Awalwal de nyan kaŋɔɔk.
Aba kuaath ke cië nom tɛny.
Acïn kë ye gäk ke kuɛny wun cök.
Acïn kë ye yök ke cïn tui.
Acïn raan ŋic nyɔ̈ŋ cam yï alanhdu yic.
Aguek e yöt awuur ke.
Awuɔɔu të thiɔ̈k arac.
Dɔm cuɛ̈ɛ̈r ku tit rɔt.
Dɛ̈ɛ̈k ŋääŋ tik në bɛ̈t.
E wiir yen ke wut nɔ̈k ebën.
Kake ruääi boom e ke jö.
Kööl tök awär pɛɛi.
Wään cï cïï wën.
Wɛ̈t yiɛ̈ɛ̈c ŋic ŋa.
Wël thöl alɛɛŋ keek.
Weŋ ye theer aye aŋui cam.
Wut tɔŋ abërë, ku beer abërë tɔŋ.
Wël gɔɔl ace koon.
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