Ɣɔn në roor de cuɔl Akɔ̈l By Manyang Deng

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Ɣɔn në roor de cuɔl akɔ̈l anɔŋic akëkööl cië gɔ̈ɔ̈r në Thuɔŋjäŋ (Thoŋ de Jiëëŋ) ke thiër diäk ku dhoŋuan (39). Kë rilic e gɛ̈ɛ̈rë athör kënë, e bë jam akëkööl në Thoŋ de Jiëëŋ muk nyin të nɔŋ kɔc juëc ke Jiëëŋ cië köök në piiny wääc yiic. Mïth ke Jiëëŋ dhiëth ke ku dït kë në piiny kɔ̈kiic, aadɛk pïïr ku ceŋ de Jiëëŋ keek. Mïth juëc aace jam në Thoŋ de Jiëëŋ ku kɔ̈k aaye jam në Thoŋ de Jiëëŋ cië liääp ke thook kɔ̈k. Guiɛ̈ɛ̈r akëkööl, e kueer yen në Jiëëŋ ceŋde, Thoŋde, ka theek ke ku yiëthke piɔ̈ɔ̈th të nɔŋ mïth. Kë lëu bë mɛɛnhdu gël bë Thoŋ de Jiëëŋ ku ceŋ de Jiëëŋ cuɔ̈k piööth, e tät de nom du. Na dhäl ceŋdu ku Thoŋdu, ke mɛɛnhdu acï lëu bï ceŋdu ku Thoŋdu nhiaar. Ceŋdu ku Thoŋdu keka ye yï nyuɔɔth man ye ŋa. Cië man cen në raan cɔl Marcus Garvey ye lueel apieth, “kɔc kuc akëköl dɛɛn cië wan, kɔc kuc të bïï kek thïn ku kuc kë ceŋden, aathöŋ në tim dïït cïn cök mëi”. Na cï mïth ku piööc në ceŋ ku Thöŋdu, keka bë thöŋ në tim cïn thar mei.

Ɣɔn në roor de cuɔl akɔ̈l contains 39 Folktales written in the Dinka language. The main purpose of this book is to keep the Dinka (Jiëëŋ) old tradition of storytelling alive among the Dinka people who have migrated to different parts of the world and whose children are at greater risk of losing the Dinka’s language and culture. Oral storytelling in Dinka, like in other traditions facilitates the passing down of culture, knowledge, customs, and moral values from one generation to another. “Ɣɔn në roor de cuɔl Akɔ̈l” was written for this purpose. The serious barrier for your children, not learning your language and culture is your negligence as a parent. If you value your language and culture, “Ɣɔn në roor de cuɔl akɔ̈l” might help your children salvage what they could. As Garvey Marcus stated, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”. If you neglect your language and culture now, your children will be like a tree without roots as emphasized by Marcus.



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