The founding owner of Africa World Books is Peter Deng. A love of his homeland was the driving factor behind starting this company. When you choose an African book publisher, you want someone who has a cultural affinity with your homeland, who offers expertise and experience, as well as a vast network. The core of the business is to provide support to African authors on how to get a book published and to ensure it reaches the Diaspora living both in Australia and elsewhere. We aim to reach Africans of all ages, education levels, and classes, from ordinary Australians to the academics among us.
As our community has grown over the years, many Africans have been drawn to Australia due to family reunion, skilled labour programs, and also refugees. Unfortunately, many of our young people have no understanding of the values, traditions, and ways of the homeland. This is where Africa World Books comes in. We publish books to educate and inform. Peter Deng founded this business on three principles:
- Promoting African authors – helping to both publish books and
retail them, as well as helping them develop their careers. - Educating the community about their heritage.
- Educating the Australian community about the culture and history
of Africa.

Ultimately, we aim to support the South Sudan region, the talent, academic, and communities that have stemmed from it. Our focus is on expats of South Sudan, the people who support us, and those who are interested in learning more. We want to promote the culture and heritage of the region.

- Editing
- Formatting
- Ebooks
- Marketing
- Design
- Production
- Sales
Additionally, we offer print on demand services – we can print just once if that’s what a customer requires, or if you sell all your books, we can print more rounds for you.
We are also proud to offer evaluations upon manuscript submissions. We can provide you with an objective assessment of the structure, plot, and voice of your book. In our honest appraisal, we will also give advice on how marketable your book is. We will offer advice on what areas of your book require tweaks to ensure it’s both appealing and relevant to your target audience.
Not sure if your English is up to scratch? We have editors who can fix that for you, so your book is 100% understandable.
- Writing and editing
- Publishing and distribution
- Book marketing and self-promotion
- Annual Conferences
- National Contests
Find out more about our services on our Services page, and if you want to find out how toget a book published, get in touch today.